Who is Carson Thompson?

  • Carson is a person with very average natural talent……Really nothing special…..
  • Actually rather ordinary….
  • Who tried very hard…..
  • Got a good education (BS Social Science and Doctor Business & Finance)
  • Gained experience to help succeed in both his personal life and career
He grew up in poverty in money but worked to make money by things like:
  • Cutting fence posts for the county (for $.15 each)
  • Shoveling manure for fertilizing (chickens, cows, horses, hogs)
  • Cutting firewood
  • Harvesting pecans
  • Picking cotton
  • Harvesting peanuts
  • Working cattle

But his family was rich in family love, values and principles – everything but money! So he wanted to make a lot of money -a whole lot of money. A really, really lot of money!

Purchased a business for $26,000 and led in developing it to a value of $1.1 billion!

Carson Thompson – the Early Years

Carson lived on a small farm in Oklahoma his first 18 years where he:
  • Did not get determine who his parents would be
  • When or where he would be born
  • Determine his gender, or skin color, or language spoke
  • Or that his father would die when he was 2 years old
  • Or that he would not have electricity until he was 12 years old
  • And no indoor bathroom until his was 18 years old
  • No telephone or TV until he was 18 years old
  • Or that is older brother would get sick (and have surgery) at harvest time when he was 14 years old – leaving him in charge of over 100 acres of peanuts and 50 head of cattle

But I did get to decide what I could do with what I had!

I quit worrying about what I could not do anything about!

Young Carson
The house I lived in for the first 18 years. No electricity, no bath room and no running water.

A life changing event

  • A life changing event occurred one night when I was 4 years old – I remember it like it was last night:
    • My mother was reading my favorite book……
    • “The Little Engine That Could”
    • The: “I Think I Can” “I Think I Can” Little Engine that would try – and keep trying!
    • And the little engine did try – and succeeded!
    • And like a bolt of lightning it hit me!
    • That was the kind of person I could be and would be!
    • A “I think I Can” kind of person!
    • A person who would try!
    • Every day of my life! Always! I would always try!
    • I would not give up easily
      • I would just kept trying
      • And if trying was not good enough
      • I would try even harder
      • And if trying even harder was not enough
      • I would try even harder
      • And so on and so on and so on…….
    • I would try to do things just to see if I could do them!
    • Why? When we do things that we think we cannot do, and then we find we can do them – or some of them – then we develop more confidence, then we try more difficult things – and develop more confidence – and more confidence – and so on and so on!
    • I tried doing things just to prove to myself that I could!
  • I started teaching a class at church when I was 14 years old – to learn better communication skills.
  • I was terrible at first, but gradually got better.
  • I also decided when I was 14 years old to get a college degree – not just go to college – get a college degree! No one in my family of 7 older brothers and sisters had done it.
  • I was just average in natural ability so I made a commitment to study hard to be a great student. During my 4 years of high school, I made an A in every class except one B in Chemistry, and the classes included Geometry, Solid Geometry, Physics, Algebra, Trigonometry, etc.
  • And I graduated from Texas Wesleyan University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Social Science and received a Doctor of Business and Finance degree.
  • Then on with my career…..

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Corporate Management Experience

Carson Worked 21 Years in Management at Tandy Corporation

  • Carson worked for twenty one years during Tandy’s rapid growth with RadioShack (growing from 9 stores to 7,000 stores and over $1 billion in sales), Color Tile, Tandy Leather Company, and over 20 additional companies.
  • He worked as manager of a:
    • Divisional distribution center
    • Divisional head of marketing and merchandising
    • Divisional president
    • Corporate management of six divisions
Thompson led The Bombay Company for 16 years  After Tandy was separated into five public corporations, Thompson served sixteen years as Chairman, President and Chief Executive of one of the new corporations. He purchased The Bombay Company into this corporation for $26,000 and led in its expansion:
  • From 2 stores to 440 stores
  • From 20 to 3,500 team members in the United States, Canada and Asia
  • From $1 million sales to $317 million sales
  • From the $26,000 purchase price to $1.1 billion market value

Private Business Management Experience

Thompson has Owned and Successfully Operated Multiple Private Businesses Thompson has a proven record of achievement in successfully managing businesses which provides the experience to assist others to maximize their success in their own business. He has owned and successfully operated private businesses, and provided business advisory services for startup businesses, businesses looking to expand, and businesses seeking financing. His businesses included:
  • CRT Group, LLC: Providing business consulting services with especially helping business startups, businesses wanting to grow, and businesses needing financing.
  • Prolific, Inc: Developed and marketed computer performance enhancement software.
  • Antone’s Record: Recorded and marketed Blues artist records and managed concerts.
  • Tony Jeary High Performance Resources: Established business for intellectual properties including books, workbooks, CD’s and training materials.
  • PawnMart, Inc: A chain of upscale pawn shops.
  • Quality Properties, LLC: Purchased, remodeled, and sold residential real estate.
  • Resource Optimization Group, LLC: Provided direct mail services including mailing list optimization, database management, postage rate reduction, and lowered logistic cost

CRT Group, LLC 
Carson is the founder and president of CRT Group, LLC. After living many years in Fort Worth, Texas he now lives in Santa Fe, New Mexico – where he still works with clients to provide coaching, guidance, business knowledge, and proven expertise for them to:

  • Develop substantial wealth
  • Successfully start a business
  • Successfully grow a business
  • Successfully raise financing
  • Maximize profitable sales

Carson has Successful Experience Teaching at Universities and Public Schools

  • Carson has 12-years’ experience teaching a business program at Texas Wesleyan University in Fort Worth, Texas and California State University Los Angeles, California.
  • He has 9 years’ experience teaching at public schools in the Fort Worth, Texas area and Santa Fe, New Mexico.

Carson teaching at Texas Wesleyan University, Fort Worth, Texas

Thompson’s Education 

  • Thompson has a Bachelor of Science degree and a Doctor of Business and Finance from Texas Wesleyan University.

Thompson’s Community Service

  • He has served on numerous boards and provided financial support to the College of Business at the University of Oklahoma, University of Oklahoma Athletic Department, the Board of Trustees at Texas Wesleyan University, President’s Council at the University of North Texas, Board of the University of North Texas Health Science Center, President’s Council at the University of Texas at Arlington Texas, National Conference of Christians and Jews, Boys and Girls Club, Meals on Wheels, Big Brothers Big Sisters, Adopt-A-School, and several others.

Thompson has an attractive track record in management, teaching, coaching, consulting, advising, mentoring, and leadership development. He has demonstrated the ability to assist others to enable them to achieve their full potential.

He is committed to sharing the positive experiences that he has learned in his years of life and business to enhance and enrich the personal life and careers of everyone he can reach.

Throughout every day he repeats his personal mantras of:

  • “I will try”
  • “I think I can” “I think I can”
  • “I Aspire to Inspire before I Expire”
Carson's Turbo Porsche 930 - Purchased by Making a Lot of Money.
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